354. Gender and Contingent Labor
Presiding: Elizabeth Landers, Univ. of Missouri, St. Louis
1. “Telling the Contingent Story: Gender, Class, and Resistance,” Kirsten M. Christensen, Pacific Lutheran Univ.; Jane Harty, Pacific Lutheran Univ.
2. “Feminized Responses to Powerlessness in the Contingent Workforce,” Alyson Bardsley, Coll. of Staten Island, City Univ. of New York
3. “Third-Wave Feminism and Academic Feudalism in the New World Order,” Karen Lentz Madison, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville
438. Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Members in the Modern Languages: Issues and Directions
Presiding: Glenn Levine, Univ. of California, Irvine
Glenn Levine’s Annotation: This session is useful for department chairs, administrators and other colleagues interested in understanding the complex issues related to non-tenure-track faculty and/or making programmatic reforms.
Speakers: Dorothea Heitsch, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Karen Lentz Madison, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville; Maria Shine Stewart, John Carroll Univ.
Session Description:
Members of the MLA Committee on Contingent Labor in the Profession will present a special joint issue of the ADE and ADFL bulletins titled Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Members in the Modern Languages: Issues and Directions. Discussion will focus on the trends in contingent labor identified in the special issue and ways in which departments and faculty members can respond to these trends.
794. Professional Practices in Online Education
Presiding: Sandra K. Baringer, Univ. of California, Riverside
1. “A Description of a Situation on the Nontenure Track: Teaching from the Insecure Trenches of a Contingent Online Instructor,” Batya Susan Weinbaum, Empire State Coll., State Univ. of New York
2. “Hybrid Composition Instruction,” Joshua P. Fenton, Univ. of California, Riverside
3. “Contract and Policy Language for Adjuncts Teaching Online in the SUNY Community Colleges: A State of the State Report,” Cynthia Eaton, Suffolk Community Coll., State Univ. of New York
4. “A Strategem for Using Online Courses to Deny Contingent Faculty Members Academic Freedom,” Aaron Plasek, Colorado State Univ.